Monday, 28 July 2008

Uh Oh, Look What Our Two-Foot's Been Up To!

Mummy is such a copy kitty! That Laura, Carlton's two-foot, has got her on the bakey cakey revolution and she is the lastest comrade! Suddenly she thinks it's ok to become all domesticated!!

Looksie what she got up to yesterday.... frankly I thought it was all a bit warm for bothering about with that black cupboard that makes lots of hot air, but I must say when these hooman eatsies came out they smelt oh so gooood!

Only down side is she said to me and Bobbin "Look but don't touch" whatever that is supposed to mean, anyway we weren't allowed any!

But.... we did get one of those juicy blackberry thingy bobs on top.... mummmm yummers they were very nice thank you!!

Roo x

Friday, 25 July 2008

We Are a Cakey Bakey!

I am very excited, shall I tell you why?!

Well, Carlton's mummy Laura, who talks to our mummy Thea, makes something sticky and edible that the hoomans call cuppycakes. She makes them all pretty and colourful with things on top.

Well yesterday she made one featuring... yep, you guessed it.... Bobbin (that's me) and Roo!!

Here it is -aren't we sweet!

Mummy got very excited about it all and said she wanted to start making them too! She did say though, that she wanted to go straight round to Laura's house and eat Bobbin and Roo because they looked so yummy... this worried me if I'm perfectly honest, and I got Roo and we went to hide!!

Saturday, 12 July 2008

We've Been On Holiday!

Roo and I went on holiday this week! We stayed 3 nights with our hooman aunty Theo who runs The Rabbit Retreat and is friends with our mummy. The Rabbit Retreat is a lovely rescue, Theo takes in old and injured bunnies and makes them better again. We were very honored to stay with her because we are neither old nor injured!

We actually went on holiday there because Roo went into the hospital. I went with her to hold her paw and groom her when she wasn't feeling well. They took something out of her.... not sure what, but I know they did because she has a wound on her tummy. Just like the time they took my plums!! I haven't told Roo and I don't think she has even noticed it's there so I just hope she doesn't see this post and realise what they did to her! I think they must have taken the girl equivalent of plums, but I don't know what it is called : /

These are two photos Theo took of us on the first night, nomnoms!

So after her appointment the next morning, we stayed in the hospital for a little while. I was there cuddling Roo when she woke up, she was very dizzy! Then Theo came to take us back to her house. Theo looked after us and I looked after Roo. For a while after we were back from the vets Roo wouldn't eat, I think she felt very tired and poorly. I was really hungry but I couldn't eat seeing her like that so waited for her to feel better, even though the food was right in front of my nose..... I was soooo hungry!

Eventually I couldn't take it any more and urged Ruby to eat, I went over to the food to show her where it was, she wasn't having any of it, but I knew she had to eat to get her strength back so I went over and nudged her, pushing her towards the food, whispering that she must eat to make herself feel better, and she did!! Finally, I was so pleased because I had been worried about her.... oh and I could fill my tummy too! Teehee!!

Here's a piccy Theo took after Roo decided to eat again. She sent it to mummy and it made her really happy : )

We stayed with Theo for two more nights and we were thoroughly spoilt, she gave us lots of yummy curly kale, I just hope she told out mummy just how much we like it so that she gives it to us too! WE NEED CURLY KALE MUMMY!!!

Then she came and picked us up and took us home, it's nice to be back and I do miss aunty Theo : ( I struggled so much when we had to go that I broke a nail off! Ouuuccchhhhhy!!! And they didn't even notice till we got home even though I bleeded all over mummy's t-shirt! Mummy just sat there and watched me while I had to pull it off and clean up the blood : ( But I don't mind because she gave me lots of basil for being such a brave boy : ) My nail and Roo's tummy are healing nicely and it's good to be back in our cosy home, even if mummy isn't letting us out to play much - but she told me it's to help Roo get better more quickly so I don't mind as much!

Back at home and mummy took this photo of us yesterday, it's one of my favorites of me and my girl!