Friday, 25 July 2008

We Are a Cakey Bakey!

I am very excited, shall I tell you why?!

Well, Carlton's mummy Laura, who talks to our mummy Thea, makes something sticky and edible that the hoomans call cuppycakes. She makes them all pretty and colourful with things on top.

Well yesterday she made one featuring... yep, you guessed it.... Bobbin (that's me) and Roo!!

Here it is -aren't we sweet!

Mummy got very excited about it all and said she wanted to start making them too! She did say though, that she wanted to go straight round to Laura's house and eat Bobbin and Roo because they looked so yummy... this worried me if I'm perfectly honest, and I got Roo and we went to hide!!


Deb Cushman said...

We just found your blog and wanted to say "hi!" Love those cupcakes! It must be wonderful to be famous.

I posed for Christmas cards last year, too! They were sold for a fundraiser for the Humane Society. The photographer said I was kind of grumpy, but that red hat was annoying. (I also was Miss April for their calendar!)

We're going to put a link to your blog on our blog, The Adventures of Freckles and Deb, so we can find our way back here again.

Carlton Jamal said...

Mama said making Bobbin and Roo was really difficult because of your pretty crazy colours!

Bobbin's mouf is my favourite bit!

It's still on the table in the lounge, I want to groom the bunnies but it's to far away from me!!

Anonymous said...

Wow those cupcakes look yummy! Carlton's mum did a great job making the bunnies, the carrots are a nice touch, too!

Anonymous said...

We just found your blog as well. The cupcakes look scrumptious, and your buns are as cute as could be.