Saturday, 8 September 2007

A Bit Teary

Two days after the VHD vaccination I had a watery eye. Once again I was whisked away in the carrier, but too a different place this time and I must say there weren’t so many cats and dogs about so I felt much safer. The two-foot lady that handled me there was very gentle too, I actually quite liked her until she put some gooey stuff it my eye! Mind you, it did feel a lot better after that. Little did I know though that this treatment would carry on at home each day for another one and a half weeks! At first I just gave in, I was wrapped up really snugly in a towel, I heard them call it a "Bunny Burrito" and immediately thought I was lunch! Not so however, they just put that goo in my eye. I say they, it was my two-foot mummy and her boyfriend, I thought he smelt funny at first but now I think he's really cool, he runs around and I case him!!

Anyway, it turns out I had a scratch on my cornea, either way I disliked this evening routine of Burritoing and after a few days decided to really fight against it. I thumped my feet as loudly as I could and whenever they attempted to Buritto me I would escape! Hahaa… that was until they found a new technique, instead of using the towel they just picked me up and turned me over…. upside down! This is very scary so I just tend to stay still, eventually I don’t mind and I just lie there until they are done.

Other reasons for watery eyes in rabbits can be much more serious and any bun with a watery eye should be taken to the vet so that a proper diagnosis can be made.

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